Renewal of STAC Password Date Change
In response to our recent inquiry made to the STAC Unit, Management Advisory Group (MAG) of NY was informed that there is a change in the request to access the STAC online system cycle. Instead of disabling users’ passwords to the online system on June 30, the passwords will continue to the end of the 2016 calendar year. As of 2017, the STAC user code/password cycle will be renewed every calendar year – January 1 to December 31.
Transportation Contracts
Use of Federal Grants
DVPUB New Online Verification Process for 2013-2014 STACS
Transportation Contracts
Transportation contracts must be filed and approved to receive aid. School districts are urged to prepare and file transportation contracts as soon as possible. All contracts must be filed with the Education Management Services Unit for approval no later than 120 calendar days following the first date of service. If the Education Management Services Unit has not approved a contract, it cannot be aided.
Please visit this website for more details regarding transportation contracts:
Additionally, districts should make certain that provider agreements and statements of reassignments are included in the transportation contracts. These will ensure that only the district paying for the service will be able to claim special transportation through Medicaid.
The NYS Education Department has suggested forms for each. They could be found at the following links:
– Provider Agreement
– Statement of Reassignment
Use of Federal Grants
Spring is grant writing time. MAG reminds districts that they cannot claim for STAC and Medicaid reimbursement if federal funds are used to pay for staff salaries, benefits, contracted services, or equipment. Districts will notice the positive effects on their revenue stream by implementing prudent grant planning strategies.
When constructing the 611 grant, keep in mind that it is designed to supplement and not supplant special education offerings. Usually, small high-cost classes are core educational programs reimbursable through Excess Cost State Aid (STAC). The provision of appropriate related services and evaluations is also claimable through Medicaid. However, school districts need to be cautious because they must not bill Medicaid for a service and/or evaluation that is paid partially or in full by Federal Funds.
In developing the 611 grant, districts should consider budgeting staff who are assigned to non-high-cost education programs into Code 15 (Salaries for Professional Staff), e.g. consultant teachers and resource room teachers. Additionally, we recommend that general funds be used for related service providers of Medicaid claimable services.
Whenever possible, exclude self-contained teachers teaching small classes, 1:1 or shared aides, 1:1 nurses and related service providers, or any claimable contracted services from the grant budget. These costs should be paid through the general funds budget because they may be reimbursable through the STAC system if students’ costs exceed the threshold levels assigned by the NYS Education Department for your district. This also holds true for purchased services, Code 40 (Purchased Services).
In addition, consider using general funds when purchasing special equipment for specific students (e.g. personal FM systems, laptops, or any other assistive technology devices that can be claimed through Excess Cost State Aid). If these items are purchased using federal funds, districts cannot be reimbursed through Excess Cost State Aid.
Please note that districts (LEAs) must comply with the Maintenance of Effort (MOE) requirement of 34 CFR 300.203. In essence, funds provided to districts under IDEA Part B must not be used to reduce the level of expenditures for the education of children with disabilities made by the LEA from local funds below the level of expenditures for the preceding year.
Additional resources are found at the following links:
– Special Education Budget and Finance
– Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B Section 611 and Section 619 Federal Funding for the Education of Students with Disabilities, Grant Application Guidance
DVPUB New Online Verification Process for 2013-2014 STACS
DVPUB is a new online cost verification screen which replaces paper HCSAR for in-district or other district public programs (not BOCES).
BOCES HCSAR will continue to be verified on paper. This run is scheduled for February 2015. The deadline date for the initial filing verification (DVPUB signature form) and cost backup material for 2013 to 2014 is January 30, 2015. The follow-up form is submitted for new STACs approved and verified after the initial signature form is filed.
Required cost backup for:
– All Other-District Placed Students
– Annualized Costs Exceeding $105,000
– Completed High-Cost Report
– Invoices or Cost Calculations for Individual Services Costing $15,000 + Each
– Monthly or Year-End Invoice and/or Contract From Other School District
– Selected Pages From IEP Listing Frequency and Length of Approved Services
Verification status designations:
– Unverified: Records Can Be Amended and Re-Verified by the District
– Verified and Not Reviewed by SED: Records Can Be Amended and Re-Verified by District
– Stopped Record: These Records Need Cost Backup for Students Costing $105,000 or More
– Reviewed and Locked by SED: SED Reviews and Locks Records After Receiving DVPUB Signature Form
To unlock, the district needs to contact the STAC Unit.
Please go to this SED link for more information: